“Cannons Fighting Cancer” will mobilize the lacrosse community to recognize inspirational
individuals and raise funds for organizations instrumental in the fight against cancer
Boston, MA – The Boston Cannons will host their inaugural “Cannons Fighting Cancer” initiative at the team’s home game on June 23 at Harvard Stadium against the Chesapeake Bayhawks. Cannons Fighting Cancer will unite the lacrosse, medical and research communities to raise funds and awareness for philanthropic and research organizations that are focused on finding a cure for cancer and providing services, support and care for individuals and families who are impacted by the disease. The Cannons have partnered with The National Foundation for Cancer Research (NFCR) and its Play4theCureTM platform as the primary beneficiary for this special game night.
Cannons Fighting Cancer will bring together and honor members of the Greater Boston medical, science, philanthropic, survivor and lacrosse communities for their continuous efforts in the fight against cancer. Cannons fans can nominate inspirational individuals making an impact against cancer to be recognized at the game by sharing their story on Twitter and Instagram using the hashtag #CannonsFightingCancer. Nominations can also be emailed to community@bostoncannons.com.
“It brings great pride that our organization is able to gather the lacrosse community together with members of the medical and research communities to support those who are helping to combat this disease,” said President of the Boston Cannons, Ian Frenette. “We want to honor those who are making a difference in the fight cancer and raise funds for organizations that are working diligently to find a cure.”
The Boston Cannons and The National Foundation for Cancer Research (NFCR) are also encouraging the Greater Boston and New England lacrosse community to get involved with Cannons Fighting Cancer through NFCR’s Play4theCureTM initiative, which delivers much needed funding toward Cancer Fighting Labs in Boston. Participating teams will have the opportunity to win Cannons prizes for their fundraising efforts. Lacrosse teams can register to Play4theCureTM by visiting https://www.crowdrise.com/cannons.
Non-lacrosse players can also get involved in Cannons Fighting Cancer by supporting a Play4theCureTM team or donating directly to Play4theCureTM with the Boston Cannons through the Cannons website and at https://www.crowdrise.com/boston-cannons.
“We are so grateful for this opportunity to partner with the Boston Cannons to shine a bright light on the cutting edge cancer research being done in laboratories in greater Boston,” said Dave Bjork, Cancer Research Evangelist for NFCR. “As the first professional sports franchise to Play4TheCure, the Cannons are taking a leadership position in raising much needed funding and awareness of the Boston medical and research community.”
For more information about Cannons Fighting Cancer and how to get involved, please visit https://www.bostoncannons.com/cannons-fighting-cancer.
About the Boston Cannons
The Boston Cannons are one of the founding franchises of Major League Lacrosse, the premier professional outdoor lacrosse league. They began play in June 2001 and won their first MLL Championship on August 28, 2011. For their 16th season, the Cannons will host seven home games back at Harvard Stadium under the leadership of new Head Coach, Sean Quirk. With nine teams competing in 2016, each team will have an additional bye week, and will also play two games over a four-day span once during the season. For more information, call the front office at 617-746-9933 or visit BostonCannons.com.
About NFCR
For more than 43 years, the National Foundation for Cancer Research has focused attention on areas of cancer research that show promise but would otherwise go unfunded. We provide critical seed-funding in high risk, high reward areas of research allowing promising work from committed scientists the chance to succeed. Often the outcome is development of a proof of concept, making it more likely that public and private underwriters will then be more willing to carry that work to the point where it can have an impact in patient outcomes. http://nfcr.org/about/research/
Media Contact
Rachel Murphy, Boston Cannons: 603-988-2861, rmurphy@bostoncannons.com
Kevin Flight, Elevate Communications: 781-439-7140, kflight@elevatecom.com
NFCR: 301-654-1250 ask for Play4theCure, info@nfcr.org
Keith Spiro, KeithSpiroMedia: 617-249-4380, Keith@KeithSpiroMedia.com